
Coffee is so much more than a drink.

It’s at the centre of life's special moments. Meeting new friends, catching up with old ones, fuelling your day, or bringing a moment of calm.

But have you considered that your cup of coffee could be the start of a new story?

We thought it could be.

For a long time, we felt disheartened by the volume of waste associated with the interior design industry. We wanted to find a way to address the issue of cheaply produced materials being shipped from other countries, having a short life cycle, and ultimately ending up in landfills.

Our lightbulb moment came when our founder, Jani, cleaned used coffee grounds from an espresso machine. He realised there was no shortage of this by-product. In fact, coffee is the second most traded product in the world, after petroleum. Surely there had to be a way to utilise this abundant raw material?

Maybe we could give it a new lease of life and solve the interior design industry’s waste problem at the same time?

Excited by the prospect of doing our duty to our planet, we got to work, armed with a big bag of grounds and determination to find a solution. Drawing on our 30 years of experience and knowledge of furniture making and cabinetry, we found an innovative way to stabilise and bond this raw material.

What we created is called KAVA – a beautiful, strong, and sustainable material made from used coffee grounds.

Fast-forward to today, and we regularly collect natural waste from coffee shops across Brighton. Combined with natural, plastic-free resins, the material is transformed into boards, panels, counters, and tables. It’s then ready to host thousands of special moments over a fresh cup of coffee, starting new stories and kicking off the cycle again.

We love our planet and have proved we can work with the resources we already have. A cup of coffee can be the start of a new story… and there are so many more stories left to tell.

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